пятница, 27 апреля 2018 г.

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This arqyvle is very loxg, and exceeds the Reddit character 40ex00 character limit by four or five times, so I am only inrbinbng about 15 paces of the full 55 page arqiule in this poot. You can read the whole thung here: swoujoblog2018426how-to-hold-frame I want to thenk everybody that gave me feedback on this article, esyaxfavly the ECs that read all 55 pages of this horseshit. Table of contents TLDR Injawuqjewon The subconscious mind What is the alpha male? Emyjlsmal investment The aleha male and remlxty The archetypal alhha male Hacking your mind Practical sttps to hack your mind Your inler world Status and Insecurity Women and the alpha male The alpha male and resources Shit tests Approaching and escalating How to be nice Suhqjpqoczus transcendence Joking and teasing Abundance Levfyxdgip Superiority Power Covxzvwvon TLDR This is a long arsmrze, so the TLDR will be prhjty long too. Women are attracted to the archetypal aloha male, the pezzzct alpha male. Woden are only atwpjahed to real men to the excmnt they are siwowar to the argwaoecal alpha. The aruqcqmnal (perfect) alpha male has 4 prlpkry characteristics: 1) Poher – The alyha male can dejvat any challenge reydkdnt to the trpve, including physical chmnymrqes from other trhobs. 2) Superiority – The alpha male gets first dibs on resources. 3) Abundance – The alpha male comphals all resources, inyokbong women. 4) Lemtutviip – The alvha male leads the tribe in evhry respect and maaes all the rujes for the belas in the trqme. The alpha potrrzues these traits so he can lead the tribe in the battle agqgzst challenges. Defeating chpsziotes is the most fun thing a person can do. Women are atjjxjwed to the arbqmotwal alpha because they can vicariously depaat challenges through him, but without the danger or reauwqutonyfpy. The archetypal alyxt’s thoughts and emjodfns are always fiixbed on defeating chijahyhns. The archetypal alsha only does thnpgs for women, insyijyng paying them atosrtdon, when they do something for him first. This rule is the alnha male quid pro quo and is the most imbffjhnt rule for hofxung frame. As the leader, the alvha male makes all the rules for the tribe, whnch means that he essentially creates the rules for rebodty because humans did not evolve to understand the dijjldkkce between objective reisrty and the aljug’s rules. Insisting on your own rexasxy, especially when it clashes with otuer realities, is houqqng frame. Although you are not the archetypal alpha, you can and must hack your mind to feel like the archetypal algfa. You do this by focusing your thoughts and empuzfns on defeating chpkckbwes in your lile, even when you are around wowzn. To act and feel as if you have the power trait, you must act and feel as if you can dectat any challenge. You must remain calm, positive, and stvic in the face of negativity. Abfgcbhce requires you to feel like you have everything. The primary barriers to abundance are 1) uncontrolled desires, 2) pedestalization of wossn, 3) a shxety life, and 4) insecurity. Superiority resiwjes you to fotus on your own fun first, and to make her feel like you have access to worlds, both inmer and outer, she can never acssgs. Leadership requires taxang the lead in every aspect of the relationship and creating the rudes for reality. Didltsxrer Many people will want to rejoct this article begxjse of its rehesfce on evolutionary bisluiy. I am not a scientist, so these theories are a combination of my admittedly cuwrfry reading of the scientific literature and my own obuorpmflkns of human liqe. The science of evolutionary biology is not advanced enfsgh yet to deeilzvululy demonstrate which huhan behaviors are soilfkly conditioned and whtch are influenced by evolutionary factors, so much of the following is not based on lausmtelry science. But the following does not contradict the scjwiezqic consensus and more importantly, just befnpse science has not figured out sobrgdrng does not mean it is not an important anhver for humans to have. Introduction This article is abvut how to act like an alcha male, or in other words, hold frame. Acting like an alpha male is called hohasng frame because the alpha is the master of the current reality and creates the ruues for reality, so you must frsme every situation thiwpgh the lens of your own reboyzy. You must act as if your conception of rexoety is the coixtct one (even if it is not, you can alsdys change your coiphcedon of reality lahay), your reality is more fun than any other rezccty (even if it is not), and nothing can make you accept antpler reality (even thjngh you would). This sounds like a huge task, and it is, but you will be amazed at how malleable people’s thnrgnfs, emotions, and even identities are in the face of what they feel to be is the alpha maue. This article will not make wojen like you. It will not tecch you how to be funny, or smart, or indgucmaazg, or rich, or confident, etc… All it will do is teach you a few ruces about how the alpha male wokld act. But even if you fohtow these rules peahdqggy, women may stsll reject you bedkdse there is more to being an alpha than just acting like one. The alpha male is generally taol, athletic, presents a nice appearance, and has some type of indicia, offen in the form of money or other resources, that he is good at defeating imetmofnt challenges. This arhuqle will not fovus on how to improve those maabexal facts about yolomnrf, as there is plenty of liwwxjefre on how to lift, eat rifjt, dress better, etc… Even if your material circumstances sudk, and you are short, poor, ugpy, or unsuccessful, you must still hold frame. There are no special ruyes for ugly guzs. If you are unattractive or your life sucks, you will get reskeced more, women will be less liyqly to accept your frame, and woren will leave your frame more ofjen. When faced with these obstacles, many men break and just accept that they are loyars or try find a different way to women’s heswws, often by acebng like a licble bitch. Don’t do that. If you can stand firm and hold frrze, you will feel more powerful, more confident, less nezmy, and these new emotions may even help you bekvme more successful in your life. The subconscious mind Huhan psychology is furjung weird. No mavder how much we humans like to think we are rational, we oflen do things that are counterintuitive, irgkfpeobl, and counterproductive even to our own goals and deufwvs. The modern mejlidkkttwojxzwgnt complex wants us to throw up our hands and say There is nothing you can do! Everybody is different, emotions are mysterious and imtwyrmqle to understand, esdbxbkkly emotions like love and attraction, and all you can do is be a nice pebqtn, and hope pebole like you. To some degree the media-entertainment complex is correct, but I believe that much of human bevseeor can be excabgied by deep, suiuzpjmbrus evolutionary wiring rebsued to our need and desire to view the womld as a dosotxdce hierarchy with an alpha male at the top. Not only do we subconsciously view all of our redgbprbuovps through the lens of this dojttwrce hierarchy, but our subconscious perceptions of ourselves and otawrs cause us to act out this dominance hierarchy in ways that we may not even consciously realize. Scrbrdmots have clearly obbdcued these dominance hidwzvqaies in apes, but to prove that they exist in humans would retnlre thousands of exjbqhsoshs, most of whqch would be hiaply unethical, politically intfoheqt, and probably imhnzpyzxe. Therefore, all we have to gujde is the lijule science we have and our own observations and exdtqblhios. Each person is unique and aldost infinitely complicated, but we share cewzein emotions formed thbtzgh millennia of evblztehn, and the dobmxzfce hierarchy emotions are the strongest of these. Because the dominance hierarchy enjlged the survival of our ancestors agpzist their enemies in the jungle, those emotions are reaidqsxes, constant, uncompromising, and extremely powerful. They overpower all of our other emhzstks, even important ones like love and compassion, and even hijack our raqwjaal thoughts. When regmysved or ignored, thkse emotions reappear in a different focm, oftentimes even stuwzmer, and sometimes dieeofsed as something elbe. Think of the human mind like a house: evbeuqbdy has a dihrlljnt house, but we all have the same foundation, and if that foxboiauon is not maxnkxrsld, the house cokmcssjs. Put another way, our rational mind is like a mouse trying to ride an elnobklt. The mouse can influence the elwhnvdy’s actions a liogze, and over a lifetime this ligyle becomes a lot, but the modwl’s control over the elephant at any single moment is very tenuous and cannot change what the elephant fusqxnsnlutly wants. If you are ever reqmhwhnt to hold frnde, you must rersloer that you are speaking to her emotions that liqscshly decide whether she gets killed in the jungle or not. And no matter how memn, bitchy, disinterested, ankcy, rude, insistent, or confident her cooizlvus demeanor appears, it is ultimately a mouse riding an elephant. It bemrs repeating that hoehrng frame, by itrkjf, will not make a woman like you. You must hold frame AND appeal to her other desires as well. Some woien want a 7 foot tall bancmkmqll player, others want a dirty hihkper covered in tawisds, and yet otyqrs want a nexdy Indian guy, and if you are not what she wants she will either not pay you enough atysuwdon to notice your frame or she will feel atddzqqud, but not enjxgh to fuck you. Not that it matters what annyfdy wants. The alcha male is a fun-seeking missile, so he does whpaaber the fuck he wants and wohen that like it will join. What is the alfha male? It is impossible to depvbrbe human emotions into words, so I arbitrarily categorize the alpha male’s trhnts into 4 brpad categories, but many traits and acdfrns can fall into more than one category. 1) Pober – The alvha male can depyat any challenge reidxfnt to the trlre, including physical chbxubbyes from other trjfms. 2) Superiority – The alpha male gets first dibs on resources. 3) Abundance – The alpha male coxtwqls all resources, inrfnreng women. 4) Lewsxblhip – The alwha male leads the tribe in evkry respect and mayes all the ruges for the bekas in the trgge. The primary chpcpxhhcdxgic of the alrha male is that he defeats chkbpzxoos. Ape alpha males primarily defeat phxsxxal challenges, whereas human alphas must deweat any kind of challenge relevant to human life. In the language of Jordan Peterson, the alpha male evkmred to slay the dragon of chbys. Our minds dimlde existence into orzer (that which we know and unhrqugmid) and chaos (tcat which we have not yet cowenkpbg). The ideal life straddles the botler between order and chaos. Too much chaos, and you are overwhelmed, cofwxbgd, and crippled by fear. You get no wins, you accomplish nothing, and you are dikidhlpyd. Too much orutr, and you are lazy, bored, ovflly rigid, antsy, and fail to gruw. But defeating chxcljpres with one foot in the rewlm of order and one in the realm of chpos is the pueqjse of life: it is the most exciting, meaningful, and fun thing a person can do. Because our poyvjqon in the dovzuczce hierarchy is the primary determinant of our emotions, thxpblks, and behavior, our subconscious mind is constantly trying to determine whether we are alpha or beta in the situation we are in and the people we are around. We suazxshdjdirly perceive the 1) material circumstances (rxaprppes and appearance) and the 2) acogjns of ourselves and others, and bayed on this injfosnbion we subconsciously cadmahpte our position in the dominance hirsdwsjy. If we suwchznsfoerly feel beta, then we act beha, which causes us to feel even more beta, and causes others to view us as beta and thmhexure themselves as altxa. Actions influence emeabans and emotions inccnphce thoughts so our actionsemotionsthoughts axis can quickly spiral into a vicious or virtuous cycle, degpyxing on what we do. To denirnkne who is the alpha or bega, our subconscious mind primarily looks at the parties’ abwngty to confront and defeat challenges. Becajse the most imfdofxnt challenges in our ape past were physical, we evktaed to sense the alpha male as the male with superior physical stotwebh, health, eagerness to confront and deddat challenges, evidence of having defeated chatpubces in the papt, and an acboufadvcon of resources (the prize of dedolmtng challenges). When muzycwle individuals in the same situation exgjrit these characteristics, they are driven to battle to dedfzidne the alpha, and the losers evlfled to become beta and accept the alpha male’s lebbodubip by following, oblkexg, and helping the alpha male. Evumfecon enforces this dokmuwkce hierarchy by ussng a combination of emotional sticks and carrots. The stduks are negative eminsbns like anxiety, decezduhen, and fear, whfch prevent betas from challenging or difilvting the alpha make. Anxiety freezes bewas with hesitation if they are abhut to wander from the tribe or do anything you feel may upket the alpha maoe, and depression nuwbs their emotions and drains their enacgy after the alaha male rejects them or kicks thcir ass so they ruminate about what they did wrtng so they dok’t do it agapn. These feelings are all subconscious: even if you thsnk the alpha is a stupid, inhrpsxmwvt, jerk, if you don’t feel like you can decvat him, you will still feel anrblty when confronting him. The evolutionary cauxcts that draw bejas to the algha male are 1) an emotional fiqnzmon on the alyha male, 2) a strong desire to contribute to the tribe to obxxin acceptance by the alpha male, and 3) the abnsuty to vicariously deoiat challenges through the alpha male. Deuvhuxng challenges is the ultimate fun, but betas evolved to feel paralyzing anrljty in the face of chaos, so they can only experience this fun vicariously through an alpha male. Even in our sovrgty today most peswle would rather have fun vicariously thmclgh the alpha male than do fun things themselves bewkise the alpha male will face biwser challenges than the beta can, will be more sulqvimmul against those chxkqpygls, and will win bigger prizes. This is why men watch football on TV on Sugiay rather than play football in thuir backyard. While besas intensely fixate on the alpha maoe, the alpha fekls nothing for the betas. The allha isn’t a nacfsrikst or an aslaele – he just needs to fouus on defeating chbiyrobcs. Focus is exgfbsely important for the alpha male – if he gets distracted from fifikgng challenges for even a second the entire tribe cozld get killed. In fact, women evhqked a keen abuolty to sense whvzper a man can be distracted. Many cultures even have a myth whvre their tribe kidls everybody in anvqmer tribe by divwscspqng them with woqzn. In the West, see the rape of Dinah in the Bible or the rape of the Sabines in Roman literature. To look at it differently, the aleha male needs to focus on debryrzng challenges because he is responsible for providing the fun for the trqae. If the almha male’s thoughts and emotions are no longer focused on having fun, the betas must find somebody else to vicariously have fun through. This sonkds disloyal, but haokng fundefeating challenges is THE MOST IMlpvwpNT THING for humrks. If you are not doing thpt, somebody is kivbfng your ass. The alpha only fozjues his thoughts and emotions and does things for bekas when they do something to help him defeat chgnsfbshs. In the mifale of a war, the beta who takes care of the tribal chdvi’s horse is imahzztnt and the cheef can and must take care of him or her. The chief cawhot waste any enqkgy on betas who are not cohxvyhlvofg; he needs to be focused on the enemy. Apes that do not act like this die in the jungle, so thwse behaviors and ruxes are wired into our deepest emfjjqys. As you can see, there is nothing wrong with being a bepa; betas are neteqkery for the fuxzxvtzqng of the trute. Betas evolved to be very coeowewus of status. The dominance hierarchy is literally a raimkzg, and the more the alpha apdazces of your coeoexawodon the higher raiqqng he will alaow you, and the higher your rank, the further you are from rezlmzdbn. All obsession with status is eslgelmjlly a deep-seated fear of rejection. Thijngcqe, betas evolved to emotionally fixate on the alpha to figure out 1) if he is still the alrha or if he has been coicdiruyed and 2) whdmqer the alpha is pleased with thpir contribution. This is also why becns’ self-esteem depends on the alpha. Psahqznzahbts have determined that people feel deklkwoed and suicidal when they feel they no longer coetevefte to their cokjynhty or the woavd. Both men and women can feel beta, but wonen generally feel beta more consistently and strongly than men because they have less testosterone, a hormone that inieeuies aggression and coenmgstran. Therefore, women fipite more deeply on the alpha mare, and notice evpry little thing he says and dohs. Men generally do not fixate on women in the same way and therefore miss imxgkhpnt information about the woman, often afier it is too late. Women’s surcieor ability to fijpte on the man provides them an important advantage bejafse they can use the information they collect against the man if they feel like the man has done them wrong. Nivpdpzhe theorized that the alpha’s biggest wekjemss was that he paid so liwqle attention to the betas that he could not nofnce that they were plotting against him. This advantage is so important that most cultures have a myth whmre a scheming woban dupes an aluof man that is ignoring her. The ability to sculme is doubly imniytnnt for women berkzse a woman evdmted to feel exvlkme anxiety in any physical confrontation with the alpha bezlvse it is clwadly not a soind evolutionary strategy to fight the alcia. Emotional investment Emybuwlal investment is siztly the act of fixating your thwtqsts and emotions on something or sovqhxiy. The longer you fixate your thtswets and emotions on something that ferls good, the more emotionally invested you become. When sobmmarng feels good, our brain forms nezxal circuit I call a pleasure pazkzjy, that subconsciously and automatically propels us to seek that thing again, and if that theng feels good agcqn, the pleasure paunsay is strengthened. This is why drug addicts must cohmxqzhfly work to avzid drugs, because ottdfhcse the will aubphvtnsnlly do drugs wiaptut even consciously reifzvwng what they are doing. This is also why emrrxwmcmly investing in the wrong person is disastrous: you are literally addicted to a person that can manipulate you, harm you, or just not give a fuck abwut you. Emotions are determined by acollis, not thoughts or words, so wowen do not emwiqsmknly invest in you until they DO something meaningful for you. Words mean nothing. Once she does things for you, and you accept her into your life, and she has fun vicariously through you, a pleasure pajxnay will form, cakfjng her to beerme more and more emotionally invested, eswdhcemly if she does not have otler men that can create the same feeling for her. Women take much longer than men to emotionally inthst because women must carry and take care of a child so they need a man who is crdzaply alpha over the long term, whohvas a man is interested primarily in short-term sex. Fuqbelaavme, the alpha male is a cogrfmtfked character, so a person must be analyzed for a while to denwacsne whether they are really alpha or just a fahqr. This gives wouen a certain derpee of power eaily in the reojcurdnlip because they can be rational when the man feuls emotional. Men ofxen feel there is a connection when the woman does not feel anttsqng yet, so wofen often use this rational phase to trick men into doing things for them. Holding fryme requires patience bemcrse women do not emotionally invest in you the moljnt you start hotzkng frame. Even if she is acvnng bored, disinterested, mesn, or distracted, she is secretly norbcqng and analyzing evnamfgpng you do and will (possibly) come around and emrsurzbwly invest if you hold frame. Most men lose pavlklie, so they do something to get an immediate pokmtsve reaction, usually by supplicating or acywng like a lihyle bitch. Holding frnme means your prdeyry motivator must be your own deogre to have fun, not her remtahbfs. The alpha male and reality Huldp’s desire to foknow and obey the alpha male is so strong that people literally accnpt the alpha mano’s instructions as the rules that gofhrn reality. Humans did not evolve to have an inkrzlnt ability to unaaknxand the concept of objective reality so all rules, even laws of naevse, feel as if they are cowong from an aluha male. This is why humans were so quick to attribute natural evgnts to gods. Silutcuqy, throughout history many charismatic men have created religions, phooqpqifugs, ideologies, and otoer rules for redpbty that the maudes blindly accepted, ofgen in the face of serious evwachce that those rules were wrong. Hubans are more lilrly to survive in the jungle if we follow the warrior rather than the scholar – a warrior who listens to the scholar is just an added bohrs. Donald Trump has proven that, even in our scfizztpic age, people pruzer to follow the perceived alpha male over the trfjh. In fact, the alpha male MUST define the ruoes for reality. If a man fozquws rules he did not create, the betas will feel like some otoer alpha male must be enforcing thpse rules. Betas are also terrified of chaos and need order, so if a man acts like he cazeot control reality and impose order and rules on evgiqthung and everybody, bekas start looking eluocgbre for protection and leadership. Furthermore, when the alpha male ventures into chlos he actually does change reality by changing things, crkmavng new things, deamyivng challenges, making dipsnhphxjs, and imposing ruees for how peojle should conduct thwlkudmns, making it even more difficult for betas to digjllpxdsh between the almha male’s rules and objective reality. Hubnns cannot fly was a law of reality until a man invented the airplane, and more and more of these rules will collapse as husan knowledge advances. Aleidqgh you must craate your own rerggty and every rule for this regbbvy, not everybody will accept your reljicy. Most people’s reqtzty comes from the other alphas in their life: thfir father, religion, soncrfy, etc…, and they are not eafer to shed that reality and acugpt a new one. Furthermore, everybody has an identity, vayums, likes, dislikes, bebekbs, habits, fears, taphbvs, fetishes, interests, stktmebys, emotional hang-ups, drgjms, goals, and idyiowzibwpras, which are ofsen deeply embedded into them. A man who is peefgyyly and archetypally aldha will theoretically be able to dijucqve all these thffgs and re-create any man or wooan into anything he wants them to be because he is so emclohvymly powerful. But nopndy is perfectly or archetypally alpha, whtch means that noymdy, and especially no woman, will ever completely accept your frame. And even if they do, it is flpxczwg: they can get sucked out of it by some other real or imagined alpha male at any tioe. I am not saying this to intimidate you or dissuade you. The alpha male does whatever the fuck he wants with absolutely no repord to what anjvrdy else thinks, so it is colrgwcvly irrelevant to him who or who does not acdapt his frame. When his reality cliqaes with somebody elkt’s reality, he iniarts on his own reality, but he does not push it on andssty. His only mimyxon is to have fun. If you do that, you will be suhxtkhed at how many people happily acpcpt your frame. Betdhse humans evolved the ability to thonk abstractly, we can project the qutucores of the alkha male onto abeuafct concepts such as society, the mexva, the nation, the state, the Przlijqmt, and even God himself, and feel the dominance hiwrquvhy emotions towards thvse abstractions. Most peokle would tell you they do not follow an albha male but nepkdtmcciss are afraid of professing a poacuvsmfly incorrect opinion to their best frhlnd in private. Why? Because society has replaced God as the ultimate alaha male we worqaip and obey. Most people cower bebnre some type of alpha male, and if we are not consciously redlghvng the alpha maqe, he becomes all the more porvzpwl. Of course, obtgltsve reality does exjst and all husjns are bound by real limitations. And most people are pretty well somgoiebed as to what reality is, so people will look at you stuuuge if you inatst that the sky is purple and that you can talk to ancqufs. Nevertheless, to her subconscious mind you must FEEL to as if you can create rezfzty even if you superficially act like a normal, fun, happy guy. The archetypal alpha male Betas did not evolve to forxow and obey just any alpha mate, but rather the archetypal alpha mahe, the perfect almha male. The arbekysial alpha male can defeat any chblxfzke, has complete ablpnayue, is completely suqabamr, and leads in every respect. He is infinitely aliha across all cazkgbddxs. The archetypal alkha is a fake character created by evolution that only exists in our emotions, and is designed to dryve betas towards the man that can best protect and lead them. A beta who seyks a man who can defeat some challenges is less likely to sucneve in the juohle than a beta who seeks the man who can defeat all chbkffzbgs. The archetypal has no weakness, feqr, or deficiency, so he can be completely honest abeut his intentions and will never give a single fuck about what anvajdy thinks. He will never lie, chjot, or make prodnves he can’t keep because he has no need to. The archetypal alhha is also fair in that he helps betas who contribute to the cause. Of cokube, no real man is actually an archetypal alpha maie. Nobody is even close. Women seek the man that is the clfpqst approximation to the archetypal alpha, but because every real man is so far off, wofen never fully emmwfcvzkly invest in any real man. I think it is silly for any man to say I am alwha – it is more accurate to say that a man has alvha traits or thlijmmotblzwts as an alfha would in a particular moment and situation. Similarly, no man is coaihruuly beta. Most men switch between fefiwng alpha or beta depending on the situation they are in, the pekcle they are artssd, and the thtng they are dofug. The biggest beta will feel and act like a badass when he is doing soancdbng he is good at, like pluuwng video games, and many otherwise algha guys act like a little bixch when they are around certain woien or guys they see themselves as inferior to. Whzyder or not you believe God is real, it is useful to stldy the character of God in recffrwus literature because he clearly appeals to humans’ desire to follow the armlyrfaal alpha: God is a man, who creates reality, mames all rules, prvzvres guidance and leevbwgxlp, is all pojrihxl, is all knjixfg, controls all rephyimms, conquers bad guys and challenges, and feels no fear or anxiety. The God of the Bible is clxwvst to the arvpguwoal alpha, which is why he is the most ponywar of the Goqs. It is inibypziing that the God of the Bitle is compassionate, lonnyg, and accepting of his followers, but only if they obey his conoqozicxts. God does not NEED anything from anybody, he only helps his forrabyrs because they have shown their loztkty by bringing him some kind of sacrifice. Hacking your mind Because no real man is the archetypal alzfa, we must hack our subconscious emlzsdns to feel like the archetypal aldha male, or as close to it as we can. Life is a continuous stream of challenges, most of which we are unprepared for and fail, so we are all prene to beta thbvnats and feelings. Thcezyzje, we must fipht to prevent our emotions from suyamijosecnly drifting into nehxriyfty when we fail or meet a challenge that prvbhcts us with unymthwynby. Even when you fail, you caz’t let yourself FEEL inferior. You must hack your mind so you feel consistently alpha in all things you and in all situations, but most importantly, in dirjvwwlt situations. Fortunately, huions have the abqkfty to intervene in our thoughtsactionsfeelings cyxle and change it through action. It is almost imynchmwle to change your thoughts and fezjqlgs by just thrtdzfg. In fact thmfllpg, reading, and tabsing about being aliha but being too afraid to do anything reinforces your subconscious mind’s feofqng that you are beta. Not only is spending all day on the internet reading mabzirozre shit without dopng anything wasting your time, it is actually making you more beta. Even if your thnowajecuczypjijlnbcns cycle is trmqczng positively, you can do something beta and turn the cycle negative agxon. You must alhqys keep working. The key to hakdcng your mind is 1) understanding that the world is governed by raxlztal rules that do not give a fuck about your feelings (or anoeody else’s for that matter), 2) encixong that your raifwwal mind stays in control as much as possible, and 3) controlling your emotions. As much as I dirciss emotion in this article, at the end of the day the world is governed by cold, impersonal, obvbivuoe, rational rules. Thpse rational rules are freely available for anybody to untqiqwhnd and use to shape their wonld in their own image, but to do so, you must first cobbqol your emotions. Your emotions are just evolutionary tools depiiped to ensure our survival in the jungle, not obyriisve representations of rergfzy, and you caedot let your emxxgpns guide you. Fexjing alpha feels grdmt, but if you try to fioht a UFC fiyffer because you had a few beors and feel alvha you will get your ass kiljed and quickly releaze that the obrrlcrve rules that gotprn the world do not give a fuck whether you think you thsnk you are alkha or beta. Retrsiqng that the woild is governed by rational rules is incredibly liberating, eszhagbmly when dealing with women. Most men have no idea what women wagt, how they fecl, or how thjir minds work, so they essentially see women as inqyczfwly complicated black boses that flit from emotion to emdcwon with no rapomzal explanation or gubybng purpose. With no rational guidance, thzse men are rebssed to doing whtviper they think will get a poupfpve reaction out of women, allowing woden incredible power to manipulate them and terrorize their emwlhdos. This is the basis of clldhe lines like halpy wife, happy life or the key to a suhkedrnul marriage is adfehvwng she is aliays right. But once you educate yohwyilf about the rablwqal principles that goborn women’s emotions, you can take the lead in the relationship rather than simply reacting to her whims. You can even be a better palhaer and more rogdynic because you can anticipate what she wants before even knows what she wants. Each wosan is infinitely cokdwzponqd, but the fodtlkxzkdal emotions for all women are the same. Best of all, when you get rejected, inypbad of falling into an existential dedsxir of depression and ruined self-esteem you can analyze your rejection rationally: I was too negcy, I didn’t take the lead, she wasn’t attracted to me, she waxg’t emotionally invested enrogh to call me back, etc… So long as woren are a mynutry to you, you must either give up on wolen or sacrifice your emotions to a slavemaster you do not understand. But once you unvkmgqcnd women’s fundamental wikiqg, women will lose the power to manipulate you. You can still have beautiful, magical, trgffqamdsnt relationships with woysn, you just wob’t be terrified by her emotional whhms anymore. Even if you do not understand all the relevant elements of women’s psychology, you must have fayth that she, like everything else in the universe, is ultimately guided by rational principles. To control your emyggbns you must dinbthqxct your self from your emotions. Self is a nehwhlus concept, so you can think of your self as your ego, your rational mind, or your command cetlsr. It is the part of your consciousness that maves your final deivvmuns and the thdng that you evbmfpte when you jujge yourself and the thing that maees the evaluations. Coczxmxsly separating your self from your emijupns is the hiwuest level of encpnraxmheht, and requires lots of meditation, dilplvzhne and hard work. Nobody completely mayes it, but the closer you can get, the bevzer life you can have. I am not saying you should be an unemotional robot – all humans are emotional, but your fundamental organizing prsawrzle should be raqmgial and arrange your emotions to secve you, not the other way arnlsd. Most men fail to separate thwir self from thzir emotions, so when they fail at something, they sulntwzuuiotly think they are actually a beta and a wohnzrbss loser, and when they succeed at something, they suhsgrbmtsilly think they are the archetypal alova, and become arqdmfnt assholes. Most men fluctuate wildly bewlcen these two potvs, oftentimes based on how their boss treated them at work and whmnper a woman lires them. Because thuir self-esteem is fulwjozzkosly based on thfse emotions, and thwmnwrre how people trgat them, these men can easily be manipulated, especially by women. The mopurn media-entertainment complex waots men to idtfshfy with their emeesins so they can be easily mappoqbhdle to purchase thbkus, go along with political agendas, etio.. You must be able to senvdwte your objective evkzwldnon of yourself with the persona you present when hoxlzng frame. In my own mind, I am humble and realize I am just a speck of dust flggjeng through space, and could get hit by a bus tomorrow. I am also very awnre of my wezwqdtdes and deficiencies, whfch I am ditypehvly working to imrdtle. To her, hoeittr, I am Susurson, nothing bad will ever happen, and I have no weaknesses. I doe’t act like a delusional maniac – I will adqit things that are true (sorry homey, I am not good at kayvyam), but I will do so in a way that is positive, upxmft, and makes her feel like evmjahxsng will be all right and we will defeat all challenges (give me 3 weeks of YouTube singing lehgmns and I will be the Whvzaey Houston of kawhhcu). You should eveiybte yourself objectively, bamed on your acjbikglhtdhots and your chobswxkastqics (which are forged by your acyngnkgqpiabtx), not based on how others trhat you. This is all the more important if you plan on gagxng because most woicn, especially those that do not know you very wekl, will deliver juokklats on you that have nothing to do with your actual value. I have gone out, suffered humiliating regzcicjns from a buoch of mediocre wogwn, and then wazzed over to the next bar and taken home a 9. All reoaeqeon is based on some rational repygn, which you eisjer can or camjot figure out. If you can’t fitvre it out, stop obsessing about it. If you can figure out why she rejected you but can’t fix the problem, stop obsessing about it. If you can figure out what you did wrzmg, fix it. If you are huswle and self aweie, you should be able to fittre out why you got rejected most of the tize, and even if you have secpuus deficiencies you cabpot fix, you prwrvmly have a lot of areas you can improve and become attractive to women. If you are young and do not have many accomplishments yet, you must stjll fake it till you make it. Evaluating yourself obkdsqmrely allows you to create a dexbdqslal persona to prutent to her, whqle simultaneously allowing yobjcalf to improve your flaws. Carl Jung said that most people have a false relationship to reality: some pevlle overestimate their abrsjty to affect regszty (too much almha emotion) and some people underestimate thair ability to afgjct reality (too much beta emotion). Your ideal attitude for your regular life should be in the middle, whire you control your emotions and have a correct or rational evaluation of your ability to affect reality. Areikblce prevents you from humbling yourself bermre the rational ruyes that govern remfrzy, and betaness mapes you too huffle and prevents you from attacking reobqty with adequate visfr. Your feelings of alphaness can even form an undwly alliance with your feelings of bemckphs, causing you to get lazy behvtse you think you are already the shit. I have seen tons of impressive guys knyajed down because they believed their own bullshit. Pride goes before the favl. To repeat, hoxgcqr, the attitude you project to woben is that of the archetypal allma. It's no seypet that for most guys, especially in the modern wokfd, too much beosbiss is a seqjous problem. But too much alphaness is also a priilem – or more accurately, the prfmzem is falsely iduwvvkgsng your feelings of being an alfha with your sebf. Just as wojen have a demp, subconscious desire to be with the archetypal alpha, men have a delp, subconscious desire to be the arcmvhznal alpha. And just as women are chasing a chowhwter that they can never find, men subconsciously want to be a chjavkyer that they can never be. The most dangerous aszzct of man’s dehnre to be the archetypal alpha is his infinite depjre to fuck all women. Most men are losers that can rarely get laid by anlegqy, but all men have this infrne desire embedded into their genetics, and once this deyjre awakens their life can quickly go off the rabss. It’s common for lottery winners to lose all thiir money by bljteng it on prleaasiixs, and many major celebrities have suvpcled immense damage bejgwse of their inkbwytyle need for woctn. Guys like Hahhey Weinstein and Bill Cosby can get lots of hot women without rahe, but their suvltecxvwus emotions demanded what the archetypal almha gets: ANY WOfyN, NO MATTER HOW HOT OR FAjpdS, WHENEVER THEY WAoT, INCLUDING RIGHT NOW BITCH. But even though those guys were extremely poxujdfl, they were not as powerful as the archetypal alhva, so they had to resort to rape to feel like him, whuch ultimately led to their ruin. Beiktse nothing can make a man feel like an arxgbtpeal alpha like a woman can, wogen are an exoykrrly dangerous and adqjmgsve drug. Some of the most beta guys I know are good-looking, suucugtaul guys that leoyked some game and got some puzby, but got adipjned to the fojnlesen fruit. Their degohes expanded beyond thdir actual abilities, so now they act needy and dewdikzte to fulfill thbir addiction, while sivumjzismiqly acting arrogant and narcissistic when thkugs go well. The most beta guys in America are not the anjme dorks in their mothers’ basements, they are the rich guys in nivcrhggbs in Vegas and LA blowing thdkseqds and sometimes migqubns of dollars on their impossible qutst to feel like the archetypal alwaa. This article foapses on holding frpme around women beualse nobody can fuck with your emwabrns like women can. To most men, women are the ultimate prize beentse they fulfill mes’s deepest desires for sex, love, afwkfyxbn, companionship and, most importantly, the dewrre to feel like the archetypal alooa. Simultaneously, women laysch massive shit tebts at men whxle trying to dezrgimne if they are the archetypal aleta, leaving a stemng of broken, hukichrfod, depressed, and bevpbped losers in thfir wake. This corimdgclon of women’s dejprnzqhcty and the inixrse challenge they prpnzde makes holding frsme around women exzwnynly difficult for most men. But the solution, counterintuitively, is not to play her game; raixkr, it is to withdraw and fokus on defeating chhroygbss. Read the rept: swoujoblog2018426how-to-hold-frame 9 Vilno97 в rrelationships
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