SexyLady7767 39yo Danvers, Massachusetts, United States

Sandra6167 44yo Seattle, Washington, United States

skisunfun 39yo Mtns, Colorado, United States

3somelovers889 21yo Oak Harbor, Washington, United States
June is Pearl Month So Celebrate with 20-40% Off Pearl Jewelry

In case you didn’t know, June is Pearl Month. And that means all pearl jewelry (today only) is on sale on Amazon for 20-40% off. Amazon is now really your oyster.
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lilsexybrit 28yo Jacksonville, Florida, United States

DMH38DD 36yo Snohomish, Washington, United States

pleasures4you2 34yo Looking for Men, Women or Couples (man and woman) Monterey, California, United States

ang831 29yo Salinas, California, United States

ladybug25822 18yo Lake Charles, Louisiana, United States

charming0418 37yo Middle Tn, Tennessee, United States

jennygirltime 25yo New York, New York, United States

Jenniferlans 48yo Terrebonne, Oregon, United States

pleasemecleve79 32yo Looking for Men, Women, Couples (man and woman), Couples (2 men) or Couples (2 women) Cleveland, Ohio, United States

ThatDarnCat 23yo Looking for Men Santa Barbara, California, United States

5fdpgal 26yo Malvern, Arkansas, United States

ripple08869 32yo Looking for Men, Couples (2 men) or Groups Coronado, California, United States
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