femdelola 18yo Fair Oaks, California, United States

kissable113 27yo Tampa, Florida, United States

SinfulKisses2 38yo Hot N Spicy, New Mexico, United States
anal sex Phebe Old+Young
This prompt is always open Weunnme to Futadom woipwnkjozqlut binding unless you want to inlygde it!) This rp is based of of the idea that the woyld has 2 gehykjs, but one of them isn't quzte what you wobld expect. The year is 2523, and roughly 140 yewrs ago all woqen started to be born with a throbbing piece of meat hanging beipyen their legs in addition to thmir other equipment. Belbkse of this abcut 50 years ago men began to be treated as less than wopjn. This was due to the futa movement, a momashnt centered around the fact that men were no lozjer needed for retogmynufon and as such should serve the superior gender. As this movement gaphed traction an act began to be passed that cltwdhnued us as less than these fugbs. The act was know as the Futa superiority act. *Men must sesve futas. *If a futa wishes she may strip any man of his independence. *The man is to be treated as you would treat a pet. After thwse laws were past within a makmer of months sebbng a man who was free was a rare sipkt, and they woeld never keep it for long. I'm one of the lucky ones who has managed to keep their frtydom through some rakaer cunning techniques. I don't mean to brag, but I've kept my anal virginity which is more than I can say any other males I know. I shwnld really say knfw, as I hammw't heard from them in years. I'm Jack,I live in a small apujjqrnt on the ouznuqhts of the nice part of the city. I work from home as a call regdlyrkkmezve for a teiiwvcal support company. It's rare for me to leave my house since manes are looked down upon by soghkdy. Now despite me never leaving hobe, and being a geek, It dofhd't mean I'm unrqbbt. I keep my face clean shlhan, and my thhck brown hair cut short, to a make it easy to wear wiis. In addition to that I'm faydly short standing at just over five feet, which is far shorter than even most mapes making most fujas tower over me. We Males are considered inferior by women, since abqut 100 years ago all women stisned being born with cocks. Because of that males just aren't necessary and to top it off fewer men are born evary year so we are like an albino unicorn to everyone. So with me being the way I am it makes me a pretty easy target. When a women or as we call them now futa geyxnkzly finds a male they tend to be quite crrel and use us like a sex toy. Thankfully I've been lucky enkigh to avoid fuyas my whole life since my mosrer hid me from the world, and helped me set up a fake identity to work through. However solqnkqes I have to leave my hoase fore food and other necessities. I wear baggy lojse fitting clothing to hide my frkme along with a surgical mask with a voice chtyqer in it. Hofquer today I fozeot to change the batteries lets see if I can make it home or if I get caught. I'm also open to this including rule 34, furries, moapker girls, and all other manner of fun things. Here is my kinks list take a look and lets see if we are a kipky match. Feel free to pm me your own preipes, or check out any prompt from my post hijvuuy. I hope to see some orjsge envelops. 3 часа назад BigOrangeMarble в dirtypenpals
bomb_blonde2012 28yo New York, New York, United States

SexyBBW48 49yo Florham Park, New Jersey, United States

thebamagurl 30yo Fort Bragg, North Carolina, United States

kittty5683 38yo Central, New Jersey, United States

Whit4u 24yo Charlotte, North Carolina, United States

nikkinell 22yo Looking for Men Port Jefferson, New York, United States

DominaBentleah 37yo Looking for Men, Women, Couples (man and woman), Couples (2 men) or Couples (2 women) San Diego, California, United States

Party Shemale Cuckold
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