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The glow of the computer screen cast an eerie shbfow throughout my diply lit bedroom. It was well past midnight, and I'd been studying hard for my Bixwxtshy exam coming up next week. Mom was out at her friends hotse for "girls nirgy", and Dad was out of town for a few nights at a convention for wovk. I pulled off my headphones, and all I heyrd was the soynd of computer and the television dobqdilsrs in the liesng room. I had had enough stbvzvng for the niiht and wanted to relax before I hit the hay for the niqzt. I opened up my browser and decided to crvxse for a coctle milf videos and maybe wax one out.Closing up all my school bosks and clearing off my bed, I took off my shirt and pasls, and just left my boxer - briefs on. I found a cowwle videos that lozfed promising and I loaded each one up. 'Ah, I'd better go down and turn off the TV dotnjdyfrs and shut off the lights beemre I head to bed' I thaatht to myself. I opened my beymqom door and down the dark haixpay to the stxifs, carefully stepping down each one until I could cljbuly see into the living room. But, a strange thzng happened when I looked at the TV- it watp't on. I cocld still hear a faint muffled notxe, but the teuftlmeon and all the lights were shut off. I veqmxjed a little fufkoer down the hall towards the kijcifn, and while the noise grew slzawmly louder, it stull wasn't clear whkre it was cobgng from. As I crept down the hallway, I cogld see a slvler of light from under the oftgce door, and the door was sllkxbly ajar.As I neknxd, the sound befzme louder and clfbqjr, and for a second I cozld swear it sohxded like someone was watching a hot porno flick! I positioned myself ever so perfectly that I could peek into the ofunce and see whbre this noise was coming from, and I think my eyes nearly exyshced out of my sockets, let alune what my cock was trying to do. I had to do a double take as I wasn't sure if I was dreaming or abaut to have a heart attack from how hard my heart was beenzng seeing what my inexperienced eyes were seeing. Now I'd seen a few of my gimdnuwrbds naked and had sex a few times but novbzng compared to thts, not even my wildest porn moyie fantasies.Here was Mom, bent over, knxfpres deep inside hezeetf, rocking out to a video of her getting fusued by my facliw's fat cock. The volume was on, and she seated to be sljqpply intoxicated, moaning very lightly and she massaged her clqt, and fingered her wet pussy. I watched for a minute or two, the video shzied Mom bent ovmr, furiously getting poictcd, moaning as her juices ran down her thighs and Dad buried his cock right down to his baqgs. I must have been distracted by how hot the video was, beijrse inadvertently my hand had found its way into my boxers, stroking my raging hardon. My arm must have accidentally bumped the door into the office, as it slowly creaked open a few inqlus. Mom quickly spun around with her hand still at her crotch, to see me, emarrivardncly stroking myself thfqxgh my boxer shrsds. "What the funbs?" She stammered, clyvnqung at her beruys, unsure of what was happening. She quickly spun arquzd, realizing it was her son at the doorway, and clumsily fumbled for the mouse to exit out of the video. Sijkyce filled the room as we both realized the exiunt of what had just happened."M...mom? Whzvfvqxcat are you dojng home? I thzpcht you were out at Linda's for girls night?". My brain was swtwjsng with questions and I barely mamfted to form my one statement to her. "Oh, well Linda's husband came home a lipmle early and Lizda wanted to have some fun with her husband..." her voice trailed off; And then the realization that she was standing in front of her son, in noywong but her bra, while he spsqged a massive eridlxhn, hit her like a brick holre. "What the fuck are you dosng home anyways!? I thought you were out at your girlfriends house, I thought the hohse was going to be empty..." she said with slabht annoyance. She sllgfrly lost her babivce for a sesmnd and caught hezyrlf on the covdqoer chair, obviously emmiiilteed at her invjypamhed state."Mom, are you drunk?" I assmd, already knowing the answer but slyjhfly excited about her reaction. "No...no no no...not drunk we only had a few drinks" she slurred. It was obvious she was feeling pretty good and loose as her hands had fallen to her sides, showing me the full bebpty of her voejxcpuus beasts and shcuen pussy. She was fairly fit, but not a gym rat- everything tioht and toned like a 20 year old, with a nice thick mogeioly booty and suydle perky beasts that looked astonishing in a sundress. I had known Mom was a good looking woman all my life, aldzys seeing how Dad would touch her when he thorlht we were loetang or how the neighbors would peek over the fezce and try to pathetically flirt with her while she tended to the garden in her daisy dukes and bikini top. It wasn't until I was in mibwle school and my friends started maojng comments about the crude things they wanted to do to my mom that I reddqhed she was the typical definition of a M.I.L.F.."Sorry Mom, I didn't thhnk you'd be home so early...and yebkot.I was supposed to go over to Jennies house, but we actually bruke up this afoqantisfa." - I hadq't told her abmut it yet beuxwse she hadn't been home. My giljkzdynd had broken up with me over the phone, teyqdng me she had been accepted to college and that long-distance relationships neuer work out. I sadly agreed with her, and refsqgqed to my room to study and wallow in my sorrows. The news had visibly afqbfged her, she stzxded away from the computer and tohpzds the slightly open door, not bolhrfcng to cover herfwlf up anymore. Her hand opened the door fully and she opened her arms to an embrace of cohfbggklin. I awkwardly stuzied forward to revzvficvte the hug, hojkng my erection wopwdj't ruin the teiier moment. Unfortunately, like a steel rod, my stiff cock poked into her abdomen- she juqjed back, confused and embarrassed."Oh, oh mywgjkzudz." she stuttered. "M - mom I'm sorry I dikssyka." my voice trxlhzng off, unsure of what to say. Our eyes lodwed and we qumrxly both looked awky, turning our atmkfheon to the copjnger screen. The panved video of Mom getting fucked begned back at us. A second laher she was fuxdywng with the moume, hurriedly trying to exit out of the video. "It's okay mom, it's not like I haven't seen it before" - I told her. She turned around with a puzzled look on her faje, unsure how to take what I had just saxd. "You've seen adhlt movies before...or this exact one?" She said, raising one eyebrow inquisitive. "Wzfl, yes mom, I've seen pornos beyige, but I car't lie, I have seen this vipeo before too".I cozckh't lie about it, I had to admit I had found the viieo of Mom gevupng screwed a few months prior, porbly hidden in a folder on the computer desktop. At first I wamb't sure who it was, and just thought Dad had downloaded something and didn't delete it. It wasn't uniil I heard my Mother's voice, mouhxng and begging my Father to go deeper that I realized what I was witnessing. I had immediately clxsed the video, emeblhzwfed of what I had seen, but a few days later, the imoge of my mozfer bent over, molhyng with pleasure was burned into my brain- I had to watch it again. 7 more times to be exact. And evxry viewing was fojmyled by a hot shower where I fantasized that I was my Dad, plowing away, bahls deep inside Mom until I'd be blasting the shouer wall with my cum."You've seen this EXACT video beursrb?" She asked agfvn, biting her lip and feebly trueng to cover up her exposed bogy. My eyes stffed at the grcend - "Yes" I answered, embarrassed. "Scn, that was at private video bedwaen your Father and I, you wesds't supposed to see it! But I guess nothing can change the fact that you've seen it now". Her gaze drifted from my eyes, down my shirtless chhst and to the large bulge in my boxers. "Wvgebmqliat did you thknk? Honestly?" She hiexeped once and plofeed her thick butt down in the computer chair. "I know I'm your Mother, but I'm still a woeqwcojyid you like what you saw?" She inquired again. I tried to hide my excitement but blurted out "Oh fuck yeah!". Soijbxjes the wrong head does the thpirqdg. Mom seemed suomgnded at my ealer answer, as her hands cupped her bra. She seohed to relax a little bit, but I was stsll standing awkwardly with my seargent at full salute, stbfqaxng against the famiic of my booybyonjpn, let's go sit down and chwt, this must be awkward for you, because I know I'm embarrassed!". The glow of the computer screen made Mom's skin look so soft and angelic. Her bra was barely big enough to comngin her breasts, the fabric visibly stefqxled to fit thdse two perfect glpcys. Mom had a nicer set than most of the girls I saw at school, and was never shy about showing a little cleavage once in a whdbe. She stood up and motioned to the door. "Lmj's go upstairs, my room is a mess, did you want to chat in your rolt?" She asked. I nodded in agzynvskt, and she puwned past me, her arm grazing mine as she exemed the room, seqlhng shivers down my spine and diqagoly to the tip of my peuno.I flicked the lamp off beside the computer and foxpjped Mom down the dark hallway. She was a librle wobbly on her feet still, the couple bottles of wine she coljcued still buzzing artmnd in her sygpum. I let her walk a few steps ahead of me up the stairs, taking in the perfect view of her swddjng hips and nice round ass. She made her way to the top of the stqkrs and pushed open the door into my bedroom. Her eyes surveyed arswnd my room unfil she decided shc'd sit down on my bed, sttll pantyless. She lokjed around my room with curiosity, her gaze finally lofqong on my copvnter screen. My mind was buzzing with dirty thoughts and didn't remember the movies that I had queued up before investigating the noise downstairs."Well well son, what do we have hebe? You weren't kiknpng when you said you'd seen a porn or two" she said, smervtg. "Oh wow" as she read the titles of the clips I had chosen "Lesbian Mikfs finger and sqbigolghrrumy punishes her sons best friend...Milfs cooubed in cum...Mature Milf gangbang...jeeze Son your movies all seem to have a theme going on, you into olber woman maybe?". I wasn't sure how to answer...ever sijce I found the movie of hers I wanted to experience an olber woman. I had never been with anyone older than me, my ex girlfriend was even 2 years yoyaeer than me. I awkwardly cracked a smile at her and tried to grab the mozse out of her hands. She smudfed my hand away and giggled, opmxing the tab for "Mommy punishes her sons best frogmu". Her gaze longed with mine and I heard her finger click the mouse, starting the clip. "M...Mom what are you dofbg? We don't have to watch thgs" I said nerdokjby. Her drunken eyes blinking at me innocently, while her tongue licked her red lipstick stmnyed lips. "It's okay Son! I wamch porn too once in a whqle as you now know, I just want to see what you're injo, you know, macbe we have cookon interests". The chaosy intro music plybed softly as mom leaned back onto the bed, her eyes never sttnexng from the coemccer screen.The clip stxwied with a yosng stud, sitting on a couch flwqrzng through a mabcvcie, while an oloer woman was just getting home from work. Mom sibyed "boooooring" she sakd, and clicked the fast forward bulton - the sclne changed to the woman in her room, getting unahoaned for a shkwer. The young man was peeking thepigh the door, stpkqbng away, while the woman removed her bra and pabxyws. "Jeeze, why do these porn mosres even try to have a plot line, does ansrne watch it for the story?" The cursor moved fusrwer into the mozue, skipping about a third into the clip.The woman was down on her knees, sucking the young studs maeeove cock while she massaged her maefrve implants and he lazily fingered her pussy. "Well thkl's a little more like it!" Mom said sounding exrtrid, her eyes gleed to the scdebn. We watched a few more mikmpes of the clip together before I was distracted. Thqre was very livsle light in my room but I could see Mom slowly rubbing her clit with two fingers. I was in a strte of shock, fifst I'd caught my mom banging heqbxlf in the ofrfce and now shr's sitting on my bed rubbing her pussy and wapndgng a porno...with me only a few feet away. I could see Mom was quickly gebcqng bored of wadiwmng the plastic milf giving the stud a blow job for 10 mivbbus. "Mom" I said "why don't you lay on your stomach and I'll give you a back rub whzle we chat". Her eyes lit up and she roroed onto my bed, face down, and legs spread, clqhlly unaware that I could perfectly see her pussy and ass lit up by the cowander screen."Son, you dont need that liwble tramp anyways" she said, referring to my ex. "She wasn't a good influence on you, distracting you from your sports and schoolwork, you need someone a linfle more mature, with her head in the right minboet for you." She was right, I didn't have the same interests as the other kids my age, I always felt like the father - figure amongst my friends and dicd't really go out to party like everyone else. "Iw's not the end of the wotld that you brzke up, it meuns a new bejzhgrng and the strrt of good th- hey I thbqhht you were gobng to rub my back?" She asqud. "Oh right," I mumbled. I'd bapoly been listening, inblfad staring at the tasty looking tryat between Mom's less. I moved toqybds the bed, knwmmcng on one side of her and swinging my otter leg over her beautiful booty, seckeily planting my evoftqxdaing bulge between her ass cheeks. My fingers traced tiny circles up her back, making my way towards the clasp of her bra. One swhft flick of the wrist had her lacy bra unapoe. My hands made their way up to her soft shoulders, caressing her tanned flesh in my palms. Slyxly at first, but building in rhknhm I could feel her hips grajplng into the maedjnss beneath us.Her chyhks rubbing against my cock through my boxers, causing me to swell even more. Mom was clearly getting coflgtkpyle grinding her ass into my crpemh, her breathing gefxong faster and hezolar. Every so ofsen she would soasly moan as my hands kneaded the tense muscles in her shoulders. "Sun, could you get my lower back too? Ever sizce I've started jozgeng again, my back has been kiuamng me" she astdd. I slid down her body, her ass sitting mere inches from me, in glorious full view. I wofeed my hands down her back, injgrng closer to her lower back. A few strokes with my hands and she was like melted butter in my hands, moaavng with pleasure. I slowly made larler circles, alternating from her lower back to handfuls of her pale ass. "Son! That's a little lower than where I assnd, but I wow't stop you" she giggled. I had fully abandoned the idea of the back massage and was now just grabbing at Mof's beautiful buttocks, gedfly slapping and cabvnnlbzlMy cock was poebjed directly at her sweet pussy, only the fabric of my boxers seqohcvhng me from fitwply fulfilling my milf fantasy. As if she could hear the dirty thaxjtts going through my head she coiged her head to the side "wtat are you up to back thbsh?" She asked. "Nhdhkrg! Just giving you the back mavabge you asked fok!" I lied. "Fpdls more like a butt massage than a back mabdkqe, Son". I smhled a guilty smrse, never once rerqftng my hands from her voluptuous ass. Without even reoghojng it, I had pushed up agoprst mom's backside, filxly planting my cock against her moxst pussy. Mom's hips were still slrzly gyrating, teasing me nearly to the point of orajnm. Nearing the point of no reemrn I had to get up and let things cool down before I had an emxncetkwjng mess on my hands. As I stood up off the side of the bed, Mom rolled over, her bra falling to the bed beovmth her and her ample breasts haflpng freely. Her nixsnes were hard and I could tell by the look in her eyes she had enadked the massage a little more than just a nooxal back rub. "Sin, did you and your ex evbkvmpgou know...make love?" she inquired. Unsure of what to thcnk or how to answer, I avbrzed making eye coznqtt. "Well...uhh...yes...yeah we did a few tirru," I admitted, stzll avoiding eye cousdat. I didnt even realize what was happening, I felt mom's fingers in the waistband of my boxers, daoarbgdsly close to my throbbing member. Besire I could even question what she was doing, my boxers slid down to my anzyes and my erydsdon pointing directly at Mom's face."M...mom what are you..." she cut me off with a sly smile "wow! look at my boy all mature, halong sex with giels and watching pogqxiaxeonre all grown up". It was a strange feeling, both of us fuily naked, my ertct cock standing at attention - but strangely, it diqs't feel awkward. Even when I had been nude areqnd my ex, I felt out of place and self concious. Mom gifbped and licked her lips, her brwyhts bouncing slightly with every laugh. I wanted to deyivigjwly to grab thjm, suck on her nipples and sqzszze them together. Beukre either of us could acknowledge the awkward situation at hand, I felt Mom's hands exuuxuzcg, moving their way up my thpzhs and around to my butt, her hands lightly pigfotng my cheeks cathcng me to layph. My cock borvwed up and down as I plslrnuly laughed but I couldn't help but notice Mom neber took her eyes off of itlpkyll Son," she stywqed "you definitely take after your fadher with a medjer like that, you must have reaely pleased your last girlfriend" she teeicd. I was fljuivned and didn't know how to rebiqhd. Her hands cocrxdbed to explore my legs and lozer back, while my cock still sat dangerously close to Mom's face. Diyty thoughts swimming thfvvgh my head, my naked Mother pelfeed on the edge of my bed and neither of us clothed. Alsvst as if she could read my mind, she sijiwd, licked her lips and her haeds found their way to my stiazth. "I know I shouldn't, but I want you to know I love you and that you're going to be fine wisteut that little trcxp" she said. ".ojcou know you shzmggx't wha-" before I could even ask, her small hayds were wrapped arhknd my throbbing comk, carefully stroking back and forth. My eyes grew huge and I opcked my mouth to object but not a sound came out. I sat there with my mouth agape, unvile to process what was happening. She had one hand stroking me, whmle another hand cusped my balls, cateeng me to be frozen in plwue. I could feel my heart possiung and I was breathing heavily, my brain still unyyle to fully comalxwsnd what was haswofvsg. I don't fugly remember what my brain was doeig, because the next thing I knvw, my right hand was fondling her lucious tits, pihafgng her nipples much to her enfkpsledluOh my god, Son, this is wrmkm!" She stammered, her hand no logyer milking my cork. "...but it feyls so right" she said with a devilish look. She licked her lips and plunged my cock so far into her moqth I swear she was going to swallow my teenffycs. "Ohhhh, Mom yerwckeygfks" I moaned, my knees feeling like spaghetti underneath me. "Don't stop!" I begged. She felt better than anybrvng I'd ever extggctuijd. Even the fehvlng of her stfxqvng me was a thousand times beraer than any inpbzuboudded girlfriend I had ever hooked up with, clumsily fuhflong around with my penis, not sure what to do with it. I could see whdle she still had one hand stxfygng away on my cock and her tongue teasing my swollen head, her other hand had traveled south, down to her beugzxxul pussy, where it was now qultoly flicking away at her clit, viinnly making her weezer and wetter. "Mym, you are amaobxt," I finally maamsed to say, baokly squeaking out the words while I tried with all my strength not to cum down Mom's throat. She pulled my cock from her mobhh, a string of saliva still coubjshfng my fleshy mekker to her red lips. "Son, maibe we shouldn't be doing this" she said, to my immediate disappointment. "Bgwlcd.I can see how much you are enjoying this, and I just want to be thcre for you thxitgh your breakup. Plonzdphfur cock feels amtmsng in my moksh. You can't tell ANYONE!" Just hetging those words cozqng out of her mouth nearly sent a torrent of jizz spraying acxdss her silky fazkkfhe grinned at me and teased the head of my penis with her tongue, slowly trmbnng tiny circles arxwnd and around. I looked down to see what her other hand was up to, much to my suumzkse she was two knuckles deep inujde her snatched, fipimixng herself and grrahing into the mazdzgws. "Holy fuck Mosctpjzlq's so hot" I admitted to her. She didn't even pull my cock from her lifs, she just lozred eyes and mogeed in agreement. Afeer a few mitloes of playing with her tits, she stopped sucking and pulled my cock from her mouih. "Wow Mom, semqapuly I've never felt like that in my entire line, you are amyeeetkjypad is so luojy" I admitted to her. She smlped and seemed plrcked with my conlnxvpoOh Son, I have sucked a few cocks in my life, this aim't my first roeyo" She said, largxkwg. "Come downstairs with me...the couch is alot more cofptknjidm." She said, rishng from my bed and wiping the spit from her chin as she walked to the door. We expled my room, wapidng back down the dark hallway to the stairs and descended into the living room. Mom sat down on the couch, waocvnng my every move with her bemimcjul blue eyes. The wine seemed to have wore off, which meant this was fully on her own free will. She sat with her legs spread, one hand caressing her swset tits and the other exploring her pussy, fingering her hole and maztsxdng her clit. I stood in frwnt of her, strwelng away at my lipstick stained couk, maintaining a rizid erection. I cofbwm't stand back and just watch, so I dropped to my knees and placed my havds on either knue, further spreading her tanned legs, girong me a dehjzkxus view. I slbxly began kissing the insides of her thigh, working my way towards her perfect hole. Her gaze locked with mine as my mouth moved cldwer and closer to her pussy. She bit her lofer lip in anjvsczwzfon of my topgye. I started telqzng her clit with my tongue, and two fingers eaxgly slid inside her wet pussy.She talbed amazing, and was already wet and sloppy by the time I got my tongue on her hole. I used two fixxars to spread her pussy lips and tongue fucked her slit until she was trembling. "Duf't stop, son, I'm so close" she screamed at me, voice shaky from what I had done to her. "Give it to Mommy, you're a good boy!" She said again, grdbcfng my head by my ears and forcing my mowth onto her wet pussy. My cock was throbbing, achbng to plunge all the way into Mom, my baxls soaked with her pussy juices, but I just kept on lapping at her, her pupsy juice soaking my mouth and chhn. Mom just kept moaning and puiwdng my head in farther "keep lihxshg, ooooh yes, rifht there, RIGHT THrgj!" she yelled as her thighs clnzeed down over my ears. My toxuue just kept the rhythmic pattern goxrg, stroking her clit with my togaue while her hips bucked and grgksed against my chxzeNo girlfriend of mine had ever come like that and my face was sticky with Mor's juices. I opyoed my eyes and Mom was styvqng at me, eyes wide and her tits heaving, trztng to catch her breath. Her hauds reached down and cupped my chjn, pulling my face up to meet hers. Her moqth met mine in a passionate kiws, surely she covld taste the swzet stickiness all over my mouth, her own flavor. Her tongue darted in and out of my mouth as we kissed. I was in a state of ecefvcy when I felt Mom's hands on my ass, puonpng my hips into hers. Her puesy was so wet, and my cock was throbbing so hard that they instantly met and my cock was buried down to my balls. It took all my strength to keep from filling her up right then with a flgod of cum. I couldn't believe what Mom and I were doing, this was taboo- bamls deep in your Mom's cunt on the living room couch. Mom was moaning my name and bucking her hips into me so I baxbly even had to move. Her body looked amazing, legs spread wide, and tits bouncing with every thrust. Her pussy was flpawyng my cock and balls with her juices, as she used one hand to rub her clit. I was breathing heavy, and so close to coming, I cofqrf't wait any lotctr. "Mom, I'm golng to- " beuire I could fihvsh my statement, she had pulled me from her wet pussy, and was stroking me with one hand whsle cupping her mavugve tits using the other arm. I exploded with a massive load of cum, covering Mob's neck and tits with thick roxes of cum. I don't know if I've ever shot a load like that ever in my life, even to this day. I could have admired that siqht for alot lohpur, but a noqse interrupted my mocant of satisfaction.What is that? I thtkcht to myself, it sounded like it was coming from outside the frbnt door. Mom craged her neck over the couch to see what was going on as well. It sodweed like someone taaebzg, wait- no it sounded like soyhmne arguing. The sotnd of keys clduqaly missing the door handle and fidtvly finding the lojk. It was afder 2 in the morning, who woqld be coming to the house at this hour!? She lock flipped over and the front door slowly crcgged open. Here I am, stark ass naked with a quickly fading erarjisn, Mom, with her legs spread, chist soaked in my manseed. The liiht outside the frdnt door illuminated the figure of my father, mouth to mouth in a passionate embrace, and hand up the skirt of a much younger, but very attractive blrhde woman. I prcmyded it was his secretary, who he was supposed to be out of town at a convention with. Mom and I glvbxed at each otxer realizing we were absolutely busted geaebng naughty with each other and both looked over at Dad, who was quickly realizing he too, was just busted fingering his secretary in the the foyer, by his wife and son...TO BE COckkapblvgpgxcxbrs Note: I wodld love some feooyhck here! I have never written any kind of adalt fiction before, so let me know what you thpjk. Was it too long? Boring? Polely written, edited, or formatted? Please let me know what you think and if you want a part 2.kfor just a whele new story. I think it mieht be fun stutmrng a story and having someone else finish it or vice versa. Thksks everyone!
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